Thursday, October 31, 2013

Red Sox Nation Afghanistan Chapter

Random chaos under the watch of the mountains
And so the Red Sox have done it again. For the third time in the last ten years they have won the World Series. What's been a common theme to all three? I was deployed. When the Red Sox won it all in 2004 I was on tour in Liberia as a UN Military Observer. In 2007 I was enjoying "The Surge" in Iraq while the Red Sox took home the trophy again. Wouldn't you know it? They win it all again this year and I soak in the excitement from Afghanistan. Red Sox Nation is alive and well here in Bagram. It is amazing how many fans came out of the woodwork to proclaim their pride. It's not an easy thing to do here given the time difference. Bagram is eight and a half hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time. That meant that it was around 0430 the next day here when the first pitch went out for each of the games. I was up and watching. Fortunately, AFN has long ago returned to normal service and provided a feed of each game. I am ecstatic the Red Sox won again and that they did it in six games - meaning the clincher came in Boston for the first time since 1918. What a party that must've been! If I could just get the team to come to Bagram I'd arrange a victory parade right down Disney Drive. But here's a word of caution to all my fellow members of Red Sox Nation - if you are starting to believe that me being deployed is a requirement for the team to win the World Series then think again. This is my last deployment. I made a promise. Besides, I'm getting a little tired of my ten-year adventure. But as long as I'm here the Red Sox Nation Afghanistan Chapter will endure.

It is good that we have our sports to sustain us. Football season is in full swing and it is fun to hear the office chatter of fans when I come to work each day. The big game on the slate this weekend (at least for me) is Army at Air Force. Last year Army destroyed Air Force at Michie Stadium. I'm hoping that Army does the same this year. But I am concerned. Which team will Army bring to the field at game time? Will it be the Black Knights who played nearly perfect football in three blowout victories this season? Or will it be the sloppy, over-confident bunch that stunk up the place in getting blown out themselves by 0-6 Temple? If there is one thing that has characterized Army over the past few seasons is that they have a habit of beating themselves on poor execution of the basics. That is something they cannot do when they tee-up to play Air Force. I'll be watching the game. I'm certain AFN will televise it. For now I'll just say GO ARMY! BEAT AIR FORCE!

In the meantime I'll stay focused on work. That's what we do here. We work, eat, sleep, workout, and watch football at god-awful hours of the morning. Then we do it again. The only change is the weather, which is getting colder by the day.

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